We operate a computerised appointment system.
Pre-bookable appointments
Pre-bookable appointments are available for blood tests and nurse appointments only and can be booked in advance where available.
Daily Telephone Appointments
Daily Telephone Appointments are available for triage or anything that you wish to discuss with the Doctor. To book a telephone call, you can complete a Patient Triage Form the day before you wish to speak to a clinician, a member of staff from the surgery will contact you regarding your form submission, or please call the surgery between 8am and 9am to be added to the daily telephone list. These appointments are only bookable on the same day, we cannot pre book for future dates.
Emergency appointments
Emergency appointments are offered via the daily telephone triage service. Our reception team will ask for a brief description of your presenting issue. You will receive an initial telephone call from a clinician. If you need to be seen in a face to face appointment, the calling Clinician will book this with you.
All Appointments
Appointments are for one person at ten minute intervals and for medical conditions only.
Patient Triage - AccuRx is an online tool for patients to send an online consultation to the surgery. The GP can then respond with advice, medication or an appointment. Patient Triage - AccuRx can also be used to make admin requests e.g., sick certificates, letters etc.
Patient Triage - AccuRx’s completed before 9am will be contacted on the same day. All Patient Triage - AccuRx’s completed after 9am will be contacted by a member of the team the following working day. Complete an online Patient Triage - AccuRx form
Please try not to extend your 10 minute appointment time as this then causes delay to other patients.
Please note, the GPs are not able to review or treat patients who have dental problems. Please liaise with your dentist regarding any symptoms to do with teeth or jaw pain.
Information on evening and weekend appointments
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you can not make your appointment let us know as soon as you can so another patient can book the appointment time. You can cancel or change your appointment:
- Use the NHS App to cancel or change an appointment
- Use SystmOnline to cancel or change an appointment
- Phone us Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
- Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist. We are open Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
If you need help when we are closed
- Use NHS 111 online (111.nhs.uk) or call 111. 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
- Out of hours information
- If it’s a life-threatening emergency call 999.
Try the NHS App
You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to www.nhs.uk/nhsapp
You are entitled to ask for a chaperone during a consultation. You can ask at reception before your appointment or at any time during your appointment with the doctor.
Home Visits
Please try to attend the Surgery, where possible. If you are too ill to attend or are housebound and require a home visit please telephone the Surgery before 10.00am if possible to enable the Doctor to assess the urgency.